About Me

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JR has been a paramedic for Ada County for the last 9 years. I also work for Ada County Paramedics in the Logistics Department. JR and I have known each other since middle school. He liked me in highschool, but I thought he was too goofy. We started dating our second year in college. We were married August 14th 2004 and had our little Madison July 30th 2008. Colin completed our family on October 11th, 2011.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Photo Dump

My first attempt at Cinnamon rolls.... success!!!

Madison helping me with the cinnamon rolls

Colin climbed in the sink while I was getting ready

I can't even tell you how goofy Colin is.  I was putting away laundry and I looked down and Colin was pulling something from under his shirt. The more he pulled the sooner I realized it was my underwear!!! I know I will be killed for this picture, but it's just so cute!!!

Madison was away at a play date so Colin decided to wear her hat and carry around one of my bags.

Madison with her ski helmet and goggles.

Madison and Daddy.  Getting ready for Madison's ski class

Madison preparing for her last day of ski lessons

Madison is the cute little girl in the middle.  I know, hard to tell.  She's slightly in front of the girl in pink.  Yellow vest, blue jacket, with white gloves.

Madison had her first set of ski lesson right after Christmas.  She did AMAZING!!!!  Her ski instructor loved her and said he'd like to teach her again.  She had so much fun.  I forgot how agile and strong those little bodies are.  She'd be bending backwards to go under signs and jumping.  It made me so proud to see her zooming down the hill with no fear :)  Colin has been asking us to go skiing.  He found some plastic that I use for Christmas decorations and he has put them on the bottom of his feet and skis around the house!!

Funny Madison moment:
I was washing dishes yesterday and Madison was eating lunch.  I noticed she'd get down every couple of seconds and go to the stairs.  Once I started to pay attention to what she was saying I realized she had put Colin on time out and she'd go over and ask him if he knew why he was on time out.  Here's how the conversation went:  Madison "Colin, do you know why you are on time out?"  Colin "yes"  Madison "Colin can you tell me what you will do different next time?"  Colin "No"  Madison "OK, you will have to sit here for another minute"  Colin "OK".  This went on for a couple of minutes.  Colin would say "Sisa!!" and it'd start all over again.  I couldn't help but laugh because she totally has the time out routine down, but I finally had to tell her that time out isn't a play thing and that we needed to use it for serious things.  JR went to get Colin, but he wanted to stay on time out :)