About Me

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JR has been a paramedic for Ada County for the last 9 years. I also work for Ada County Paramedics in the Logistics Department. JR and I have known each other since middle school. He liked me in highschool, but I thought he was too goofy. We started dating our second year in college. We were married August 14th 2004 and had our little Madison July 30th 2008. Colin completed our family on October 11th, 2011.

Friday, December 25, 2009


Madison watching Luke on the computer

I had to put this post on here, after I was done with my post I was looking at a friend of ours website and Madison saw the pictures of Luke and she just sat there and stared at him. I'd say she misses Luke.... she kept pointing at him. Soooo cute!!!!!

Christmas 2009

Madison enjoying her new tent with Demon

Trying to find her belly button

Christmas dress

She kept eating her blocks

Her new barn

Mic, isn't she special :)
The boys enjoying their gifts

Madison kept moving all of the gifts

Christmas Eve dinner

Madison's first traditional Christmas Eve dinner

Helping Mommy play foosball

Helping Grandpa feed the birds

Helping load the dishwasher

The golf clubs were VERY dirty :)

Merry Christmas everybody!!!!! This was Madison's second Christmas and our first Christmas in two years that Michala has been home. We had a wonderful time here in Coeur d'Alene spending time with my family, Jr's mom and friends. Unfortunatly, not enough time to be able to see everybody that we wanted to. On Christmas Eve we had shrimp creole and opened gifts. Christmas day Santa comes and we have prime rib with Michala's shopksa (a wonderful salad from Bulgaria).
Demon tore up his nose somehow, we aren't sure, but think maybe it was from the frozen water outside. He tells us he was attacked by a bear, but that he won :) Overall we have had a wonderful visit and look forward to the next couple days watching Sherlock Holmes and Nine!

Monday, December 21, 2009


Mic and Mark

Avery, Madison, and Jacob

Madison and Grandpa

Madison and Great Grandma Golden

Madison and Great Grandpa Golden

Michala and Madison
Mommy, Daddy and Madison

The entire Golden family

my Dad, Aunt Theresa, my Grandma and Grandpa

Aunt Theresa bowling

Madison eatting


Madison and Avery

Madison and the neighbor dog
Madison and Grandma
Seth and Mandi
Chris and Teresa
My Aunt Theresa and Madison
Last weekend the entire family was in Oklahoma to visit my Grandparents, Aunt, cousins, and their kids. It was really nice for all of us to be together. Everybody got to meet Mark and Madison for the first time. We spent a wonderful Saturday at my Cousin Chris and Teresa's house and had a nice dinner at my cousin Mandi and Seth's house on Sunday. We want to thank everybody for welcoming us into their homes and for the wonderful time together as a family. We love all of you.

Monday, December 7, 2009


Madison and Grandpa McGee

Anita, Madison, and Grandpa Rick

JR showing his "manliness"


Madison and Mommy

Grandpa and Madison

Grandpa, Madison, and Anita

luvin the dirt (she made me wipe her hands off immediatly afterwards)

Daddy and Madison

Grandpa let Madison climb the stairs

We've had a lot of changes this past month. Michala and Mark have returned from the Peace Corps. I finished school and took my boards today. Last week we went to JR's dad's for Thanksgiving and spent 24 hrs. in the car. This Thursday we are going to fly to Oklahoma to see my Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt and cousins.
We had a wonderful time in Oregon. Madison was able to visit the beach for the first time. At first she was pretty timid, but once Grandpa McGee took her down by the water she really enjoyed it. We also went to the botanical gardens for their Christmas lights. Grandpa McGee has chickens and so Madison was able to see where eggs come from.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

Madison and I at Tillamook (I promise I wasn't hurting her)

Madison is like Grandma.... she loves ketchup

Loving her cows

Do you think she thinks it's real? Kisses

MOOMOO, the pig she picked out
Hour ten (three more to go)
Mommy and Madison viewing Rick's chickens
Getting ready to say goodnight to the chickens

We are spending Thanksgiving with JR's Dad and Anita. It's so beautiful here, but it's soooo far away. It took us about 13 hrs to get here and let me say that Madison did so much better than I did. I was pretty whiny by hr 10. I don't know if this makes us bad parents, but we played Fraggle Rock, UP, and Baby Einstein on the DVD player and then I watched Home Improvement the last 2 hrs. It's rainy today, but it's supposed to be nice after this. We are hoping to take Madison to the beach, maybe on a hike, and then on Saturday Rick is taking us to a Christmas lighting show. We wish everybody a safe and happy Thanksgiving.