About Me

My photo
JR has been a paramedic for Ada County for the last 9 years. I also work for Ada County Paramedics in the Logistics Department. JR and I have known each other since middle school. He liked me in highschool, but I thought he was too goofy. We started dating our second year in college. We were married August 14th 2004 and had our little Madison July 30th 2008. Colin completed our family on October 11th, 2011.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Spring has Sprung

Aspen, Demon, and Madison

Madison in her pool

Madison and Daddy

Madison doing some tummy time

I just love this hat!!!!

Finally, the weather has warmed up!!! Two weekends ago we spent time working in the yard; pulling weeds, planting our vegetable garden, mowing, fixing our fence, etc. It's amazing how many weeds grow during the winter!!!!! We also had some fun. JR and I had gotten Madison a wagon when we were in CDA and so we put that together. She loves to go for walks in it and why wouldn't she it is quite the set up; a blanket, toys, water, and she can look all over. The dogs think she's a toy when we walk around the back yard and so they get hyper and start wrestling which is pretty entertaining to Madison. I almost forgot. It was warm enough for a couple days that I pulled out Madison's pool and set it up in the backyard. Let's just say that she has two lifeguards on duty at all times.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My sister

The men cutting down trees

Madison falling asleep on Mic's lap at the cabin

Mark, Aspen, Mic and Demon

Madison and her Aunt Mic

Isn't she too cute?

Mark feeding Madison at the cabin

Madison in her camo overalls that say "daddies little deer"

Mic, Kelty, and Madison

I love this photo. Madison loves to lay with her legs spread open. Mom was feeding her at the airport and Madison didn't care who saw her "business"

Madison's first taste of chocolate. Daddy must really love her if he shared an M&M

I love my sister and I miss her so much when she is gone. I keep telling myself that we only have eight more months and then she will be back and we will be getting ready for her wedding, but it seems like such a long time. I can't wait till she comes back so I have somebody to see "chic flicks" with again, to have movie nights at my house, and to have somebody to spend time with when JR is gone. I hadn't seen her in 1 1/2 years, but when we were together this past week it felt like she hadn't been gone at all.
I loved seeing Mic with Madison. Madison acted as if she already knew her. I don't know if it's because we look alike or because we talk on Skype every week and Madison has heard her voice since she was in my stomach, but she took to Mic instantly, even when she was crying at the airport. Mark did well with Madison also. He hasn't been around babies much, but he would get down on the floor with her and talk to her and play. She really likes her future uncle Mark.
Michala and Mark are so cute. It's so weird to see her with somebody because she never brought guys home before Mark. They call each other "Honey" and I think they balance each other out really well. Those of us who know Mic know that she can have her moments, but the nice thing about Mark is that he doesn't let Mic get away with anything which is good for her. I am truly glad that Mark is going to be a part of the family. I enjoyed getting to know him better this past week and look forward to them moving down here and getting to know him even better. I am so happy that my sister has found somebody so loving and caring towards her.

Speaking tongues

So, one of the coolest things about Mic and Mark is that they can speak Bulgarian to each other. I have a short clip on video from when we were up at at the cabin. I really wanted to hear them speak to each other in Bulgarian while they were visiting and I thought it was the coolest thing. They didn't really know what to say so they just kinda chatted. Hope you enjoy.

click on this website and you can view Mic and Mark's engagement photos http://www.mydigitalproofs.com/golden

Monday, April 13, 2009

Wedding Plans

Madison and a possible flower girl dress

Dress A

Dress B

Dress C

Dress D

Madison trying on Mommy's veil
Dress E
Dress F

Dress G

Dress H
We have been crazy busy with wedding plans for Mic and Mark's wedding. They still have 6 months in Bulgaria and will come back to the states about two months before their wedding so we are trying to get all of the wedding plans done now. We have found the chapel, the site for the reception, flowers, bridesmaids dresses, and engagement pictures and most importantly the cake. It has gone by so fast and I am not ready to go home tomorrow or have Mic and Mark leave. It's so weird because it feels like Mic hasn't been gone at all and it feels as if Mark totally belongs in the family. Here are some pictures from wedding planning. I am going to do a pole and I want to see who can accurately guess Mic's dress, but that won't be revealed till the wedding day. I had her try on some really goddy over the top dresses, but it was fun.

Monday, April 6, 2009


Mic and the boys

Dad, Madison, Mic, and Me
Madison's sign that says Aunt Michala my Peace Corps Volunteer

Mic and Madison for the first time.

Madison and I surprised Mic at the airport. She thought that JR was working and that we wouldn't be up until Tuesday, but we came up yesturday. I have a video of when Mic noticed that we were there. She started to cry and so did I. She looks so good. It was so nice to see her and I can't believe that she's even here, but on the other hand it feels like she hasn't been gone. We have a busy week doing wedding stuff and Mic eating all the food that's she's missed, but we are also going to spend a lot of family time together catching up with Mic and getting to know Mark. We're so glad that's she here!!!!