About Me

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JR has been a paramedic for Ada County for the last 9 years. I also work for Ada County Paramedics in the Logistics Department. JR and I have known each other since middle school. He liked me in highschool, but I thought he was too goofy. We started dating our second year in college. We were married August 14th 2004 and had our little Madison July 30th 2008. Colin completed our family on October 11th, 2011.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Baby Girl!!!!

Decorating the princess cake
Madison and Grandma
the finished birthday cake
loving on Aunt Mic
Loves for Grandma
Hugs for Papa
Matt and Grandma Tammi
Leah and Owen
Owen and Madison
The squirt guns came out and nobody was safe.... Madison had Aspen right where she wanted him!!
Birthday girl
patiently waiting to open her gifts
Mommy, Daddy, and Madison
Madison opening gifts. Nichole made the foot stool!!!
All the kids coming up to see what Madison got
Hugging her new bean bag
Unwrapping her new bean bag
Birthday cake time!!!!
Blowing out the candles
Madison, Riley, Owen, and Jordyn
The kiddos minus Leah. They are all sharing two chairs!!!!

Madison playing with her baby playpen
Great Grandma and Papa
4 generations.... Great Grandma, Papa, Mommy, Aunt Mic, and Madison
Grandma Tammi, Daddy, and Madison
Mommy relaxing!!!
Our beautiful baby girl turned three years old yesterday!!!! We are up in Coeur d'Alene (home) to celebrate Miss Madison's birthday. The guys have just left for a backpacking trip and the girls are having a "girls" day.
Madison's birthday started with Grandma making Monkey bread we then had a backyard pool party with the Zahnow family, the McHenry family, Grandma Tammi, Great Grandma Golden, Grandma and Papa, Aunt Mic and Uncle Mark. I think it turned out to be a wonderful day with only a couple of mishaps. Madison got very upset when her bus was taken from her and she fell down the steps, but other than that it was very successful day and we want to thank everybody who came to celebrate our beautiful baby girls birthday. It means a lot to us to have our family and friends here with us.
Tomorrow we head to the cabin and hopefully can go to the beach or boating when the guys return. Tuesday we have a busy day before we leave on Wednesday.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Madison's window

Madison's butterflies that she used to say ate her :)

Her wreath that Grandma and I made from Pottery Barn Kids

At the movie theater

Not so sure at first :)

Madison took this picture of her Daddy

We took Madison to her first movie in the movie theater. We saw Winnie the Pooh and Madison did really well. She sat in her seat the majority of the movie with her blanket, m&m's, popcorn, and gummy worms. I know that sounds like a lot of sweets, but she had very small portions and a good lunch before hand.
Madison and Mommy have hit a rocky point in our relationship. She is not listening to me at all and has started hitting again. We had to leave pj storytime at the library last night because she threw a horrible tantrum involving throwing a movie, screaming, hitting, and running around the library. She is also waking up every night for an hour or two. I have to admit that this is not my favorite stage. She has turned so stubborn that I give up on potty training right now. I think the more we push the more she refuses so I am hoping if we back off she will start going in her potty again.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Madison's new bedroom!!!!

Tree decal beside her bed
Madison's new bed. Made of all wood!!!
Daddy and Uncle Mark assembling the bed. It has 3 drawers on each side.
Miss Cinderella organizing all of the screws.
We have finally moved Madison into her new bedroom. She is in the old guest room and let me tell you... I love her room!!! She has a nicer bed then JR and I have, but we bought it to last and it sure will. We aren't done moving everything in yet, JR and his Dad are going to build Madison a book case and I am still trying to find room for everything because we didn't order her dresser yet. The bed is so high that we need to get Madison a stool. Right now she can climb out of her bed, but not back into it. Now we just need to get the whole bedtime routine down without Mommy and Madison ending up in tears!!!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Fourth of July!!!!

10pm... after the firworks started

I hope everybody has a happy and safe fourth of July. We celebrated ours yesterday and our neighbors have been celebrating the last two days. I have to say that this holiday is a torture holiday for our family. Aspen and Demon are medicated zoombies and Madison has slept with Grandma and Papa the last two nights because the fireworks terrify her.
Mom and Dad were here this weekend and we had a wonderful dutch oven dinner last night that JR made. I think he should make up his own cookbook, it was wonderful!!!! Mom and Dad just left so it's just Madison and I and the boys until JR gets off of work to
night. He is picking up a shift and had to get up at 4am... the poor guy he has been working his butt off.
ribs and chicken
swimming with Aunt Mic
Kelty thought the pool was her drinking water :)
Miss Madison and Aunt Mic modeling in the pool