About Me

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JR has been a paramedic for Ada County for the last 9 years. I also work for Ada County Paramedics in the Logistics Department. JR and I have known each other since middle school. He liked me in highschool, but I thought he was too goofy. We started dating our second year in college. We were married August 14th 2004 and had our little Madison July 30th 2008. Colin completed our family on October 11th, 2011.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Busy Weekend


Ms. Cinderella eating another icee (She's working on collecting all of the cups: she has Tiana, Sofia, and now Ariel)

Finished Pumpkins....
1st is Mics, Marks, Colins, and Madison's

Worn out after a day of shopping.  Colin copies anything and everything that his siter does!!!

Colin enjoying the last of his birthday cake!!!

Umm... That was good!!!

We had a pretty busy weekend.  Saturdays are the only days we have together as a family, so we try to cram it all in one day.  We went tv shopping for a new tv in our bedroom, grocery shopping at Costco, and then that afternoon Aunt Mic, Uncle Mark, and Izzy came over for pumpkin carving and home made spaghetti from Aunt Mic!!!!

On Sunday I took Madison to Disney on Ice and she had a blast... They had Beauty and the Beast as one of the acts and after Gaston falls off of the balcony and they have fake lightening, Madison looks at me and says "Wow, that was quite the dramatic ending!"   I swear that is what she said word for word. She also informed me that she does not find Gaston special like all the girls do in the song... "He's Gross!"

Friday, October 11, 2013


Daily ride in the car with sisters glasses and my pink IPad... Madison took this picture

Aspen and Colin watching cartoons onthe floor.  He loves his silky blankets


Madison had sports day at school and was going to wear Colin's Alabama hat.  He wouldn't let her and this is the look he gave me after I dropped her off!!

I can not believe my baby boy was born two years ago today.  He has truly completed our family in a way that I could never imagine.  He is all boy, but at the same time he isn't afraid to run around with an apron on, pouring his sister cup after cup of tea while still playing with his construction trucks! 

Here is a little bit about Colin at 2 years old.

Favorites:  Daddy, Sister, Trucks/cars, anything to do with outside, but exspecially bikes and the swingset.  He loves the cartoon Kung Fu Panda.  He loves to eat macarooni and chicken, but will not eat fruits and vegetables which is the total opposite of what his sister was like.

Bedtime:  Colin always has to have a blanket with a silky edge.  He loves to rub his finger on it (His Aunt Mic did that as a baby as well).  He has his entire routine down.  He closes his door while I grab a book.  We read  and then rock while listening to a song or two.  I then place him in his crib with his water and silky blanket and 99 percent of the time we don't hear from him until morning.  

Mornings:  The first thing Colin wants to do in the morning is eat.  There is no snuggling in bed for him.  He's not a big dinner eater, so I think he's starving by breakfast.  He grabs a towel and puts it on the coffee table.  Then he eats 2-3 bowls of cereal.  If Daddy sits down with a bowl Colin will climb on his lap and get his face as close to the spoon as possible, that way he can snag a bite or two.

Sister:  Colin adores his sister!!!  He will watch her and do whatever she's doing.  If it's falling off of the swinset he'll do it.  It's the cutest bond watching the two of them.

I could go on and on, but I'll stop here.  I'll have pictures from Colin's birthday and an update after his two year appointment with the doctor. 
Colin and Madison on their new swingset!!! or playground as Miss Madison calls it.