About Me

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JR has been a paramedic for Ada County for the last 9 years. I also work for Ada County Paramedics in the Logistics Department. JR and I have known each other since middle school. He liked me in highschool, but I thought he was too goofy. We started dating our second year in college. We were married August 14th 2004 and had our little Madison July 30th 2008. Colin completed our family on October 11th, 2011.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Busy Mommy

I have been a bad blogger lately.  The family has been very busy and Colin has grown a lot.   Here are his statistics for his 7 month check up.

weight.. 18 lbs 13 oz. (60%)
height..   26.5 inches (25%)
Head circumference 45.25 (75%)

He is growing so much.  He can roll over now with the best of them and he is almost crawling.  He pushes up onto his hands and tip toes and pushes himself backwards.  He is also moving in circles and can sit completely on his own.  Madison can make him laugh so hard just by kicking a ball or throwing the frisbee.  It is so cute to watch. Colin loves watching Aspen and Demon.  They put a huge smile on his face!  We did the cry it out method with Colin and I really wish we had done it with Madison.  It wasn't easy, I think I may have called JR heart less, but it is so much better than fighting with him for the next 3 years like we did with Madison :)

Madison is getting to be such a big girl.  She starts her second year of swimming lessons on Wednesday.  She has such a big imagination.  Right now she is Sleeping Beauty and is going to marry her brother when she gets older.  I bought her a Princess Look and Find Book that she has me read every night.  If I have to read it one more time I will go crazy, but she enjoys it so much.  She also had her first and hopefully last episode of Strep Throat.  She was down and out for about two days, but as soon as she got her antibiotics she rebounded extremely fast!!

Madison fell asleep with her PJ pants on her head.

Colin and Daddy

Madison showing me how strong she is by picking up the 25 lbs of dog food

Madison, Daddy and Colin

Not sure what Miss Madison was doing here.

Colin looks a little worried!

Madison and Colin reading in bed

My two beautiful babies

Madison and her babies

getting ready to head out into the sun!!!
I honestly have no idea where Madison gets her attitude...

Grandpa Rick, Madison and Grandma  Anita

Colin, Mommy, and Madison (she wasn't feeling well... early stages of strep throat)

Hopefully, he's enjoying the zoo

exiting the penguin exhibit

Colin helping Papa put together Daddies new chair

Madison, Papa, and Grandma on their anniversary
JR and I have both been busy with work, but I feel like we are finally catching up on projects with the house.  Our bathroom is finally done, minus caulking the molding.  It looks great, JR did a wonderful job like I knew he would.  I would not recommend doing a major remodel like that with a new born baby.  It was very stressful!