About Me

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JR has been a paramedic for Ada County for the last 9 years. I also work for Ada County Paramedics in the Logistics Department. JR and I have known each other since middle school. He liked me in highschool, but I thought he was too goofy. We started dating our second year in college. We were married August 14th 2004 and had our little Madison July 30th 2008. Colin completed our family on October 11th, 2011.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas!!!

As the year comes to an end I will do a quick update on what has been going on with the McGee household the last three months. 
We started to build a house in October and are still in the process of it. In the mean time we are living with Jr's Dad and on the days JR works me and the kids stay with Mic.  Mom and Dad took Aspen and Demon to live with them while our house is being built.  Unfortunately, the night after they got back Kelty died all of a sudden and a week later Demon was diagnosed with Lymphoma.  I flew up with the kids and had to put Demon to sleep.  It was the hardest thing I've ever done and we miss both of them deeply, but we are so glad we still have Aspen and that he will be coming home to us when our house is finished the middle of January
That pretty much catches you up to everything that has been going on with the family, but here is a quick update on Colin and Madison.

Madison:  Just had her first dance recital.  She was the cutest reindeer ever.  She is enjoying class and can't wait for her next performance.  She is also loving preschool with her teacher Ms. Marsha.  She amazes me everyday with what she has learned and many times it comes up in a cute little song.

Colin:  Turned one, has more teeth than most 18 month old.  Loves his sister, but is starting to fight back with her.  He's also going through a Mommy and Daddy phase and I am just so thankful that he has included Daddy in this phase because Madison never did.  He had been sleeping through the night for about 2 months, but with the last set of teeth/cold/ear infection he has been waking up again.  Now that we are at Mom and Dad's he is completely in love with Aspen.  He loves to rub his head on Aspen's fur :)

They are both the light of  my lives and even though it is incredibly difficult working full time and having a husband who works at least 72 hrs a week, I wouldn't change them for anything.

Colin loves to wear Daddy's Alabama hat

Daddy wrestling with Madison and Colin

Mommy and Madison at the Disney on Ice Princess show

Aunt Mic, Mommy, and Madison

All of us playing Foosball together

Colin getting ready for his first trip in the snow
Not exactly sure about this white stuff

Papa coming to the rescue

Daddy building a snowman

Our beautiful Aspen

JR, Coling, and Aspen

Mommy and Madison headed to Christmas Eve service
Madison, Colin, Mommy, and Daddy (I am fighting a cold that has hung on since Thanksgiving... I was feeling pretty crappy)
Doing what dudes do best.... chillin!

Opening gifts

Playing with his buddy Aspen

rearranging Grandma's rugs

Madison and Colin headed out sledding

Pulling her brother

Papa, Daddy, Colin and Madison
First time sledding

Madison had so much fun

Colin gettting ready to head down the hill

Having fun also

Colin, Mommy, Madison, and Daddy

Colin and Mommy

Aspen and Madison... Aspen was in Husky paradise!!

Ready for nap!!!