About Me

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JR has been a paramedic for Ada County for the last 9 years. I also work for Ada County Paramedics in the Logistics Department. JR and I have known each other since middle school. He liked me in highschool, but I thought he was too goofy. We started dating our second year in college. We were married August 14th 2004 and had our little Madison July 30th 2008. Colin completed our family on October 11th, 2011.

Thursday, July 30, 2009


Madison and Mommy

Madison on her new toy (do you think she get's the toys in her mouth because of the dogs?)

Demon thinks everything is for him!!!

Madison turned one today. I can't believe that we've had our precious baby for a year. She is the love of our lives and I just can't imagine my life without her. She is so funny and sweet, even her cry is adorable.

It is your 1st birthday, baby,
One candle on your cake,
Proud parents stare in wonder
At each new move u make.
We join in celebration,
As this special date arrives,
For baby has brought pleasure
Into all our lives.
We look forward now to seeing
How you progress and grow,
From the cute and tiny infant
You were one year ago.
So dig into your icing;
Enjoy your presents, too.
The reason for this day Is a special person–U !

author: Zeeshan

Sunday, July 26, 2009


Madison's play area (no playroom)

Madison eating eggs for the first time

look at her poor face!!!

Madisons new life jacket for Grandma and Grandpa's boat

Madison and Aspen

Sorry, it's been awhile since I've posted anything, but we've been awfully busy. I have no idea what we are busy with, but it seems like before we know it we look at the clock and it's 9 o'clock and we just want to sit with each other for a little before we go to bed. This weekend we spent cleaning the outside of our house in preparation for Madison's big birthday party next weekend!!!! I will have more on that in a later blog.
Madison is on the move. She is now crawling...... and she's all over the place. One good thing about not having a large house is that she can't go too far, but she can still find plenty to get in trouble with. Her favorite thing is the dog food and the dog water, so we now have to put that up. She started out doing this hilarious side shuffle with one leg, but now she's crawling pretty normally. I don't think it'll be too long before she starts to walk. She loves to pull herself up on things and to have me or JR walk her around. She also has two new teeth, so she's been a pretty busy little girl this last month before she is one.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

11 Months and Counting

Madison, Lori and Luke

Madison and Mommy

Madison and Daddy

Madison and Grandpa
Madison's new hair style, do you like?
Madison sharing mashed potatoes with Mommy

Madison loves her Daddy
Who cares if she's a mess!!!! She's happy

Aspen and Grandpa on the fourth.... Where's Grandma?

My baby is almost almost a one year old. When people tell you that time flies they really mean it. Madison has changed so much in the last month and here are some changes.

1. loves to clap
2. feeding herself
3. drinking whole milk
4. drinks from a sippy cup
5. doesn't crawl yet, but scoots all over the floor
6. says HI
7. has four teeth
8. sits up in her bed

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth!!!

Wishing you a safe and happy 4th of July, from our family to yours!!!!!