About Me

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JR has been a paramedic for Ada County for the last 9 years. I also work for Ada County Paramedics in the Logistics Department. JR and I have known each other since middle school. He liked me in highschool, but I thought he was too goofy. We started dating our second year in college. We were married August 14th 2004 and had our little Madison July 30th 2008. Colin completed our family on October 11th, 2011.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Four Months

Colin had his four month check up a week ago.  Here are his statistics....

weight: 15lbs (55%)
height: 24 1/4 in. (25%)
head: 42 1/2 cm (65%)

Madison's information at 4 months.
weight: 14.9 lbs (75%)
height: 23.5 inches (25%)
head circumference: 40.5 (40%)

Colin rolled over for the first time tonight.  Aunt Mic was changing his diaper and he rolled over for the first time on his bed.  I think he is finally starting to feel better.  His last bit of antibiotics gave him some diarrhea, but I think it's finally kicked his ear infection.  He is also laughing and talking a lot more as well as enjoying standing up, with assistance of course.

Madison has started her sibling fighting already.  Her and Colin were laying on the bed one day and I heard her in there yelling "Colin is touching me, I don't want him to touch me." I can't believe it's already started.I've had

We are almost done with the bathroom.  JR and Rick have been working on it all week and it looks great. Hopefully tomorrow they can put the cabinet and toilet it and then all I need to do is paint the bathroom.  I am so excited to have a bathroom again.

I finally went to a podiatrist today and had my ingrown toenail removed which totally freaked me out.  The needle in the toe and then the idea of him digging around made me feel a little light headed and queasy.  I also happened to mention that my ankles have been bothering me a lot lately.  To the point that when I have sat for awhile I can barely move when I get up.  The doctor realized that I have an inch difference between my legs.  How I've gone 30 years without anybody noticing amazes me!!!! So it really is a small world.  My podiatrist is friends with our podiatrist in Coeur d 'Alene who we also babysat for 10+ years as well as maybe even having watched his kids once or twice.  What a small world :)

Madison and Colin

Madison showing us her Valentines day candy

Happy Valentines day!!!

Madison trying to show Colin her Valentines day balloons

My beautiful babies

Miss Madison playing music

My sweet baby boy

Madison was entertaining brother with her music

Madison enjoys laying in Colin's crib with him

snuggle time

Madison was on the phone with Grandma and Papa

Aunt Mic feeding Colin

Grandma and Colin helping Madison with her Valentines day cards for daycare.

Tile in the shower

Aunt Monie with Colin

Handsome boy

Aunt Monie and Madison working on a puzzle