About Me

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JR has been a paramedic for Ada County for the last 9 years. I also work for Ada County Paramedics in the Logistics Department. JR and I have known each other since middle school. He liked me in highschool, but I thought he was too goofy. We started dating our second year in college. We were married August 14th 2004 and had our little Madison July 30th 2008. Colin completed our family on October 11th, 2011.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Big Milestone

We had a big milestone this morning, or at least I think it was a big deal.  Madison got her and her brother their own breakfast!!!.  I got the bowls down for her, but she poured the cereal, got a stool to get the milk, and then poured the milk into their bowls.  I am so proud of her and can't believe how much she is growing and becoming more independent everyday!.
This is what Colin was doing while Madison was getting breakfast.  Poor Aspen.... Colin sure does love him, but he also thinks he is his own play too.  What a way for Aspen to wake up :)