About Me

My photo
JR has been a paramedic for Ada County for the last 9 years. I also work for Ada County Paramedics in the Logistics Department. JR and I have known each other since middle school. He liked me in highschool, but I thought he was too goofy. We started dating our second year in college. We were married August 14th 2004 and had our little Madison July 30th 2008. Colin completed our family on October 11th, 2011.

Friday, January 30, 2009


UMMM..... prunes really do work. Grandma was giving Madison a bath when she started blowing bubbles and raising her little butt. Grandma noticed a turtle head poking and moved quickly. I came into the bathroom to see how things were going and this is what I saw.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

6 months

Can you believe it???? Madison will be six months on January 30th. I remember when she was first born the time felt like it was crawling by, but now I can't believe she is already half a year old.
Here is her update on her doctors visit.

weight: 17 lbs 10 oz (90th %)
height: 25.5 inches (45th %)
head circumference: 42 inches (45th %)

I guess it's safe that she's taking after her mom. She is well fed. She loves food exspecially prunes, but hates peas (she actually gags). She's doing great though.

Here are her favorite things.

1. Jumping
2. Her puppies (she laughs hysterically at them)
3. Daddy (JR swears she is saying Da Da)
4. Mommy (Smiles and laughs when I get goofy)
5. Football (to Grandpas delight)

Monday, January 12, 2009

My little Rabbit

Madison loves to jump. She jumps when you hold her, she jumps in the bathtub, she jumps all the time. Even when she's laying down or in her swing her little legs are always moving. It's pretty cute. Here is a video of her jumping in her jumper. The video turns half way through so she's sideways (opps), but I think you can still get the idea.

Monday, January 5, 2009

5 months!!!!

I can not believe that Madison is already 5 months. Here are some of the things she has accomplished her first five months.

1. Road trip
2. Celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas
3. Eating solids
4. Holds her head up like a professional
5. Recognizes her name
6. Sleeps through the night

This next year she has many things to look forward to.....

1. Meeting Mic and Mark for the first time
2. Being in Mic's wedding
3. Flying to Arizona for Dani's wedding
4. Her first summer
5. Swimming at the water park

Madison after her big girl bath

Madison with one of her favorite toys 'Pinkie'

Eating carrots for the first time

Half way rolling over with Demon

Happy 2009

New Year is a time for celebration of love, of life, of Friendship. It’s the time to thank God for wonderful friends, and to bring to their lives as much magic as they bring to ours…So here’s celebrating our Friendship's and praying that its magic continues forever. Happy New Year