About Me

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JR has been a paramedic for Ada County for the last 9 years. I also work for Ada County Paramedics in the Logistics Department. JR and I have known each other since middle school. He liked me in highschool, but I thought he was too goofy. We started dating our second year in college. We were married August 14th 2004 and had our little Madison July 30th 2008. Colin completed our family on October 11th, 2011.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Madison, Colin, and Mommy
Madison putting the star on the tree
Grandma, Colin and Madison
Madison decorating our tree
Uncle Mark and Colin
Demon and Kelty
Madison and Papa
Our place holders that Madison made with Aunt Mic
Daddy and Colin sleeping on Thanksgiving
My Thanksgiving Babies
Madison loving her brother Colin
What a couple weeks we've had. I started a full time job two weeks ago with Ada County Paramedics as a supply technician. I am amazed to say it, but I actually enjoy my job. This is the first job that I have ever had that I actually enjoy going to. The first week was hard because I missed Colin, Madison, and JR, but it's nice to feel like I am actually contributing to something other than arguing with a three year old all the time. Twice a week Madison and Colin go to a sitters house and they seem to be doing well and enjoy their time there. Mic has been staying Sunday nights with me to help with the kids since I have to go to work Monday morning. I really enjoy it because it helps me out a ton and it's nice to have somebody here also.
We just celebrated Thanksgiving with Mom, Dad, Mic, and Mark here at our house. We had a very enjoyable time with our family and so glad that Colin was here to complete our family. He is growing so much already. He slept through the night last week for the first time. Colin is also looking around a lot more and enjoying laying on his play mat some.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Coeur d'Alene

Grandma, Colin, and Madison

Bath at Grandma's (sister scared him)

Miss Madison enjoying the fall day with Papa

Madison covering Kelty with leaves

Great Grandma and Colin

Madison, Papa, and Grandma playing Hi Ho Cherry Oh
Madison making sure she gets packed for CDA

Papa getting Colin used to a bottle

Kelty cleaning the window for Grandma
 (thinking of starting our own window washing business)

Mommy and Colin

Madison introducing Colin to Great Grandma

Great Grandma and Colin

Great Grandma, Madison, Grandma, and Colin

hot dog Madison

Mommy, Colin, Daddy, and Madison
Miss Madison helping Papa with the leaves

Our handsome boy!!!
Madison, Colin, and Grandma

watching Phineas and Ferb
We have been at Grandma and Papa's house for the week introducing Colin to our friends and family.  We weren't able to see everybody that we wanted to, but hopefully we will be back soon.  While we have been here Madison was able to help Papa with some yard work.  Colin has done well, sleeping for most of the night except to nurse. Unfortunately, we have to head home tomorrow to get back to work.  I start a new full time job on Monday working for Ada County. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Daddy and Colin

Madison the nice witch and Colin the skeleton

Belle and a Ghost

Madison carrying her cat in her Moby wrap

Madison covered Aspen with her blanket
This was the first year that Madison went trick- or- treating. She did great, I think I had a harder time that she's growing up :) We went around our friends block and then to Aunt Mic's house and our neighborhood. Everybody thought she was an adorable witch and gave her extra candy. Colin went with us and slept through the entire thing, but he was a glow in the dark skeleton.

Funny things Madison has said lately

"when a woman says later she means never" Madison told me this in the bath today
Ba Jetta... what she calls our Jetta
Hundred woods... what she calls the woods
Tic Tocs.... this is what Madison calls tics