About Me

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JR has been a paramedic for Ada County for the last 9 years. I also work for Ada County Paramedics in the Logistics Department. JR and I have known each other since middle school. He liked me in highschool, but I thought he was too goofy. We started dating our second year in college. We were married August 14th 2004 and had our little Madison July 30th 2008. Colin completed our family on October 11th, 2011.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Saying Goodbye

Our family had to say goodbye to my Grandmother this past week. She passed away yesterday after many health problems that started with a broken ankle in November. She would have been 80 years old on New Years Eve. I know that Madison will never remember her, but I am so grateful that Grandma was able to meet her. She smiled so much when she was holding her and couldn't get over how small Madison was. Even when she was very sick she always asked how her little Great Grandaughter was. I will miss her very very much. We love you Grandma!!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008


Grandma and Grandpa bought Madison a sled for Christmas. We actually have snow right now so we took her into the back yard and ran her around. She tipped over once, but never cried. Aspen, Demon, and Kelty had a blast chasing everybody around and giving out kisses. It's so nice to have everybody down here. Next year we will be able to spend Christmas with Aunt Michala who hasn't had an American Christmas in two years.

Madison in her sled. She actually turned and looked at us when we called her name

Grandma getting Madison dressed

Kisses from Demon and Aspen for Grandpa and Grandma Golden

Daddy and Madison

The family


MERRY CHRISTMAS from the McGee family!!!

Madison lounging on her new baby chair with her tag ball

Madison's first Christmas gift (Christmas Eve)

Kelty loves Christmas "is this my gift?"

Madison always has a good night

Grandpa read Madison the night before Christmas on Christmas Eve

Monday, December 22, 2008

Boise Snow

Okay, our snow is nothing like what Coeurd'Alene and other parts of the nation have received, but it is Madison's first substantial snow and we actually got her bundled up and out in the snow. She didn't seem to mind too much. She got a little fussy, so I took her out of her stroller and she helped me to shovel. I hope we have more snow this winter so we can take her out in the sled that Mom and Dad bought her for Christmas. The dogs had a blast playing in the front yard while we shoveled. They really like it when we throw shovel fulls of snow on them.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Grandma McGee

Jr's Mom was down here shortly after Madison was born (4 weeks old). I just found the pictures and wanted to post them. I have to include a really cute one of her dog Dakota. He had hauled a bunch of our dogs toys into the nursery and laid on the floor surrounded by them. It was pretty adorable.

Me, Madison, and Grandma McGee

JR, Madison, and Grandma McGee

Thursday, December 18, 2008


Trying rice cereal for the first time

Not sure what to think of this weird stuff

Yuck Mommy!!!

I'd rather eat my toys!!!!

We'll keep trying. Madison has been watching us eat and has been tasting everything she can get her hands on so we thought we'd give rice cereal a try. She hasn't figured out how to swallow yet.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


I love to decorate and I was super excited to pick out Madison's stocking. I found a really cute one with a deer on it and it's tail sticks out at the end of the stocking.

my stocking, Madison's, and Jr's
The boys having stockings at my mom's

Madison's stocking with the cute little tail


We do not have many pictures of Aspen and Madison together. Aspen is pretty distant with her, exspecially when she starts crying, but lately he has been coming up to her and giving her kisses. This day Daddy was cooking and they were both in the kitchen watching him.


she started out by standing

Looking slightly worried when she sat down

playing with her rubber ducky

sitting up a little more

She was doing leg exericises while we were bathing her. It was pretty funny.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Madison Giggling

I know that the video is too dark, but I was getting Madison ready for her bath and she started giggling. It's pretty cute. She is giggling more and more.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


Since we have had Madison the boys can feel a little left out, so this morning Daddy made sure that Demon got some cuddle time. They are so cute. Daddies first baby.

Little Gym Class

This past week we took Madison to Little Gym. She is in the Bugs class that is for 4-10 months olds.

We started off by clapping and singing

Then Mommy got very dizzy as I twirled Madison on my head

Madison worked on tummy time

Daddy had Madison do sumersaults

Madison was very tired when we got home

Miss Christina said that Madison did great for her first class. She did get a little fussy with it being nap/lunch time and so many new faces. I think this will be very fun for Madison and me. She gets to be around other babies her age and experience so many fun new things. Mommy really enjoyed it also, even the singing. I think the more off key I sing the more Madison smiles.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas

The final product

Madison in a Christmas dress and Bulgarian slippers

Rick and Madison putting up a decoration on the tree

Mommy and Madison putting up one of her ornaments

Daddy and Madison putting up the first ornament for Madisons First Christmas


I have to download these pictures. Madison is too cute in this outfit

Monday, December 1, 2008

cloth diapers

I try to be as green as I can, so when I found out that I was pregnant with Madison I wanted to do cloth diapers. JR was against it, but after much research we found a brand of diaper that we really like called bumgenius. We wash diapers every two days and then I put the insert in the diaper and the biodegradable liner that makes poop clean up easy. I am really glad that we chose cloth diapers besides Madison looks so cute in them. A few facts....

A baby produces 1 ton of diaper waste in their diaper wearing life ( avg. 2 yrs)

1 disposable diaper can take up to 500 years to decompose

disposable diapers are the third most common consumer item in a landfill

disposable diapers cost $1,500 to $2,000 for the two years your child wears them


Madison had her first visit with Santa. She really seemed to be interested in his white beard. JR was afraid that she would be scared by him, but all she did was stare. It was so cute seeing her with Mr. Clause.