About Me

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JR has been a paramedic for Ada County for the last 9 years. I also work for Ada County Paramedics in the Logistics Department. JR and I have known each other since middle school. He liked me in highschool, but I thought he was too goofy. We started dating our second year in college. We were married August 14th 2004 and had our little Madison July 30th 2008. Colin completed our family on October 11th, 2011.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa

I made Madison keep her hat on

Madison was afraid of the balls at first so I climbed in the pool with her

She's working on her super model lips

Madison and Grandpa

This weekend Grandma and Grandpa Golden are here. JR's sister Dani is getting married on Wednesday and so mom will stay this week and watch Madison and the boys. Dad and Kelty will drive home on Monday. We have had a really nice weekend so far. Dad and JR went for a mountain bike ride this morning while Mom, Madison, and I went shopping. Madison was such a good baby, she didn't get her morning nap, but she never got fussy. When we got home from shopping she slept for about an hour while Mom and I went shopping some more. Then we went to Old Chicago where Madison hung out with us for a couple hours. Tomorrow we plan on going for a walk on the Greenbelt with Aspen, Demon, and Kelty or going to the zoo. Madison does many funny things, one of them is that when you turn the camera on she totally posses for you. She hears the camera come and on and no matter what she's doing she will turn and smile. It's so cute, but impossible to get a candid moment.

The first video is Madison in the pool with the balls. At the very end she screams. It's her happy scream, but she does it all the time.
The second video is Madison laughing hysterically. Mom was bouncing the balls in the pool and Madison thought it was the funniest thing ever. Then the dogs decided to attack mom and Aspen tried to Mount her :)

Monday, May 18, 2009


Holy crap, has the weather warmed up. Today was in the upper 90's and let me tell you that in my old age I do not like it this hot unless I am on the lake or by a pool. I got so dehydrated this weekend that JR had to start an IV to run some fluid in me. I thought I was drinking enough water, but I felt like crap!!!!
On Saturday we tried to take Madison for her first bike ride, but that didn't go well. She was terrified of JR and me when we wore are helmets (being the responsible parents that we are, we made sure we kept them on) and she wouldn't leave her helmet on either. I had made it half way around the block when I heard her helmet hit the ground and that was that. We will keep trying.
On another note, I love making homemade babyfood. If anybody wants homemade baby food, I will totally make it for you. Just supply me with the produce and I can whip some up. It's so much fun and Madison loves it.

School has me thinking about so many different things that we can do as esthiticians. One thing I am thinking about is starting a website company and selling professional products on line. If you have any feed back please let me know!!!!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

Aspen on the way to the Greenbelt

She won't leave her adorable hat on!!!

I love this hat

I love her backside

9 months old!!!

My first Mother's Day was wonderful. I was able to sleep in until 11am (I woke up around 10:30 and read). JR and Madison then came in to get me and we had a nice breakfast of pancakes, sausage, and eggs. We then spent the afternoon at the zoo. Madison really enjoyed all of the animals except for the crane. The crane makes a noise like an elephant and it really seemed to disturb Madison, she ended up crying and we had to leave the area. Madison seemed to enjoy the Giraffes the most. She was so cute, she would clap and make her excited baby noises. Unfortuantly, the zoo was super busy and people are incredibly rude. I am not a tall person and I would be holding Madison showing her the animals and people would come walk right in front of us and stop. What ever happend to manners? After the zoo, Madison passed out in the car, (she's fighting a cold that I had), we then spent rest of the day doing laundry and grocery shopping.

I am so greatful that I have Madison as a daugher and I just hope I can do right by her as her Mom. If I can be half the mom that my mom is, than Madison will be pretty lucky. Mom has always been there for Mic and I no matter what. I used to call her daily in elementary school when I would have my panic attacks and she would always talk to me (she'd never come and get me, but if she had I would still be in 5th grade :). Our good friend Greg always said that any guy was lucky to be in our family not because of Mic and me, but because of Mom and Dad. I love you mom!!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Madison eatting a bannana

OK, so people who know me really well should know that I am a nut about recycling. I am so bad that when I was little I used to make Mic dig cans out of the garbage that she would throw away because she didn't want to rinse them out. I have carried this into my adult life. At my old job I would collect all of my recyclables from the day and everybody elses and I would bring them home to recycle. I think it should be a law that all business's should have to recycle. Anyways, I am super excited because we are getting a 95 gallon recycling bin this summer!!!! We always have so much recycling that it is over flowing and now I will have this gigantic cart!!!!! I am so excited.

I am a neat/tidy freak. I organize and clean constantly. I wash the dogs beds and their toys all the time. I clean the fridge and reorganize it about once a month, I vacuum the couch's, I wipe down my washer and dryer, and once a year I wash out my inside garbage cans. One of my biggest pet peeves about JR is how NASTY our outside garbage cans are. I mean they are nasty. He doesn't mulch our grass (another pet peeve) and he throws our dog poop straight into the garbage can (at least he picks it up, I guess). The thing is that when it rains (we've lost our lids) and it's 105 degrees in the summer it turns into a runy can of grass/poop soup. IT SMELLS!!!! When I was 8 months pregnant I had put the garbage cans up, but they leak and the garbage men spill. Anyways, there was a small pile of grass/poop left on the side walk and I wasn't going to pick it up. JR got home and the first thing he said to me was why is there a mess on the side walk? THE FIRST THING HE SAID!!! I was so mad I went out there to pick it up and there were maggots!!! I refuse to have anything to do with those garbage cans. This brings me to the second part of this rant. We are also getting a 95 gallon garbage cart!!!!! Yeah, I have been wanting to buy one forever, but JR won't shell out the money for it. Now he has no choice. It's like Christmas in the summer!!!!


Madison and Daddy helping mom with laundry (NOT!!!)

Madison loves to play with the hanger

These clothes had been folded!!!


This cracks me up!!! Madison likes to pop her binky out of her mouth so it is hanging out, but the nipple is still in her mouth!!!! What a cut up!!!!

Since Madison was born I have been with her almost 24/7 and before I was laid off I only worked about 14 hrs. a week, but our lives are about to change. I am going to be gone Monday- Fridays from 9 am to 3 pm. I am very excited about my up coming changes, but I am going to miss my time with my baby. Here is an outline of our typical day.
7/8 am. : Madison wakes up
8/9 am.: Madison has a bottle/ I eat breakfast/ dogs eat breakfast/ cuddle on the couch
9/10 am.: Madison and mommy have a nap
10 am.: Madison has cereal and fruit
10:30 am- noon: Errands, chores, playtime, On Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays I go workout for an hr.
noon/one pm: Madison has an afternoon nap
2/4 pm: More errands, chores, playtime
4 pm: Madison has evening nap
5pm: Madison has dinner
5:30/7 pm: I make dinner, finish chores, if weather is nice go for a walk or spend time outside playing with the dogs
7/8pm: Madison gets a bath, bottle, book, and bed
9-11pm: Mommy and Daddy relax ( I watch a little tv and read)

JR is either at work or doing things around the house also. He is working for his dad so he spends a lot of time in the spare room/office. As you can see we have a pretty nice relaxing schedule and I have been pretty spoiled by it. I just hate to be away from Madison. What if she needs her Mommy and I'm not there? I spend 24/7 with her and know what she needs!!!! I know it will be fine and that Madison will be just fine. She is such a good baby and loves everybody plus her Daddy will be with her Monday, Tuesday, and Thursdays. He's even going to take her to her last little Gym classes (can't wait to hear his version of the Itsy Bitsy Spider!) and then on Wednesday and Fridays we are going to have a friend of mine that I used to work with at St. Lukes watch Madison here at home, so I'd say we are still pretty lucky!!!!