About Me

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JR has been a paramedic for Ada County for the last 9 years. I also work for Ada County Paramedics in the Logistics Department. JR and I have known each other since middle school. He liked me in highschool, but I thought he was too goofy. We started dating our second year in college. We were married August 14th 2004 and had our little Madison July 30th 2008. Colin completed our family on October 11th, 2011.

Thursday, April 29, 2010


Madison pretending to be Franklin

Watching the ducks outside of her bedroom

eating corn like a big girl for the first time!

Aunt Mic and Madison playing in the pool

Going down the slide at the zoo

Madison, Grandma, Grandpa, and Uncle Mark

Madison and Aunt Mic
Madison and Grandma watching the giraffes
Madison and Grandpa

In the African hut

Grandpa, Madison, Mommy, Aunt Mic, and Uncle Mark

April has come and gone again. We have had weather in the 80's and also the 30's. Both are too extreme for me for this time of the year. Madison is growing so much. She doesn't look like a baby anymore, but a little girl. She had Grandma and Grandpa down here a couple of weeks ago. We had a wonderful time at the zoo and the local park. Madison is also getting to spend lots of time with her Aunt Mic and Uncle Mark and she is also getting to know her Aunt Dani and Uncle Aaron.
JR is busy with work. He had some tac-med training this week and a lot of meetings/training in the next couple of weeks. His dad is coming next week to help us work on the house. The water collects along our patio so the siding is starting to rot.
I have part time employment with the US Census Bureau and have started training this week and today started going door to door to get the "missing" people to fill our their evaluations. So far I haven't had any bad experiences, but it's early. I am still trying to build up my clientele for my esthetics's and have recently become certified in Brazilian waxing... thanks Mic, I owe you big time!!!!
Aspen and Demon are doing well. When the weather is nice we try to get them out as much as possible. Madison loves to chase them around the backyard and also to help me comb them. Dani let us borrow the dog comb called the furminator, it is the best brush I have ever used and I don't say that lightly. I am going out to buy one asap!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Madison driving Papa's truck (she put the seat belt on herself)

Break time from doing yardwork

Madison and Nanny Kelty (dog slobber on the face)

Kisses!!!! XOXOXO

Watch out Kelty!!!

Rocking horse that Great Grandpa Fisher made Madison

Madison helping to feed baby Maddie

Madison and Maddie

Already a babysitter!!!

Madison and Aunt Dani

Easter egg hunt

What? More eggs!!!!

Madison always holds her arm up like that when she is holding a purse or something on her arm.

Spring is officially here and we are ready for the warm weather. Madison loves to play outside and to go to the park. It's a struggle to get her inside anymore, but with us living in Idaho one day it will be 60 and the next day it's 32 and snowing.
We have been watching Kelty this past week since Mom and Dad have been in Oklahoma for my Aunt Theresa's funeral. She passed away on Easter from pancreatic cancer and she will be greatly missed by everybody who knew her. She was my only aunt who ever slept out on the deck with me at the cabin :) Madison is in love with Kelty. She crawls on the dog bed with her just to cuddle and she grabs Kelty's tail to rub it on her face.
I've started taking Madison to the library for storytime. She seems to enjoy it and really enjoys picking out her library books that she gets to take home that week. Madison also had her first slumber party at Michala and Mark's house last night. She slept all night which makes it a great success.
Last week we watched a friends baby and Madison fell in love. She will be a great big sister when the day comes. She was so excited about the baby that I had to have JR come and pry Madison off of her a couple times. She was a great help with feeding her and also with diaper changes. It was pretty adorable watching Madison give her kisses and sharing her blankets and her bunny. I forget how big she is getting until you see her around a 3 month old; she's my baby!!!