About Me

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JR has been a paramedic for Ada County for the last 9 years. I also work for Ada County Paramedics in the Logistics Department. JR and I have known each other since middle school. He liked me in highschool, but I thought he was too goofy. We started dating our second year in college. We were married August 14th 2004 and had our little Madison July 30th 2008. Colin completed our family on October 11th, 2011.

Monday, March 29, 2010


Madison and Pappa


Kelty, Madison, and Aunt Mic

Mic and Madison

Madison, Mic, and Demon

Maga (Grandma) and Madison's spit bath

Mommy and Madison

Papa, Madison, and Mommy

Mysterious scratch marks (Dad thinks it's bobcat)

Madison, Mommy, and Aunt Mic

Michala, Madison, Aspen, Demon, and I came up to Coeur d'Alene this past weekend. We spent a wonderful weekend up at the cabin. This was the first year in a long time that we were able to drive up to the cabin this early in the spring. Michala kept an eye on Madison and Mom and Dad hauled brush for me to burn. I had such a hot fire on Friday that we were able to just start the fire Saturday morning with only newspaper and no matches.
Madison loved it at the cabin. We thought the fresh air would wear Madison out, but it was like baby crack. She was up until 9 pm on Friday and 11 pm on Saturday. She slept with me both nights which was really nice.
Aspen and Demon enjoyed digging and chasing deer. Kelty was exhausted after the first couple hours Friday. It was a very enjoyable weekend.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


playing in her tent (looking through the tunnel)

sitting at the big table

her and her baby on the rocking horse
Madison loves to make her baby cry and then she hugs and pats her.

Giving the camera kisses


Ever since Madison has been feeling better it's as if she is a whole new person. She just talks and talks and talks. Her favorite things to say are: up, Aspie (Aspen, every dog is Aspie), thank you, kisses, hungy (hungry), swing, nanna (bananna), waawees (water), and so on. She repeats everything you say. She burped today and JR and I said Juicy and Madison goes "juicy." She is also feeling more comfortable at Aunt Michala and Uncle Marks place. We can go over there and she just takes control. She loves to go up and down the stairs or to take one of Michala's purses and say "bye, bye."
This past weekend, JR and Mark had a basketball tournament that we took Madison to. She had a great time watching Daddy and Uncle Mark play. She's just not the best cheerleader, whenever they would miss a basket she would laugh. Dad came in this weekend for a meeting so we went to his hotel and had pizza and went swimming. I forgot my camera so I do not have any pictures. It took Madison awhile to get into the water, but by the end of the evening she really enjoyed it.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Busy two weeks

Sick baby!!!

Madison having Daddy try on all her hats

Loading the dishwasher

We've had a pretty eventful last two weeks. It all began last Monday when Madison suddenly began throwing up and unable to stay awake. We ended up taking her to the ER because of the sudden onset and also she had hit her head. She threw up six times in three hours, was super sleepy, and hypothermic. She had a CT, which came back clear, and so we were sent home with the idea that she had a virus. By Wednesday she was much better which was good since my sister, her husband Mark, and my Mom were on their way down. Madison was fine for rest of the week and weekend as we moved Mic and Mark in. The only thing was that she wouldn't go to sleep Friday until almost 11 and then Sat. she was up off and on all night. On Sunday Mom flew home and Madison got sick again. It's wednesday now and she seems to be getting back to her normal self, but she still has a low fever and can get pretty fussy, but at least she is eating and drinking some. The doctor is checking to see if maybe she has a UTI because she really hasn't had any wet diapers even though she is drinking water.
I am feeling like a really bad mom right now. These last two weeks have been rough on me. Everybody knows that I don't handle vomit well and it's been very hard seeing my daughter feel so crappy and not being able to make her feel better. She is very clingy to me, which is understandable, but she hasn't slept through the night in weeks. I am also letting her eat whatever she wants when she wants just to get food in her. I'm just doubting what I'm doing since I feel like I have no idea what I'm doing.


I am employed now at two spas. Glow Spa and Serenity Retreat. Please let everybody you know that I am available for facials, eyebrow and eyelash tinting, and waxing. The websites are
www.glowboise.com and www.serenityboise.com. It makes such a great difference to work at a place you love doing something you enjoy so much. I look forward to everyday and I look forward to working on all of my clients.