About Me

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JR has been a paramedic for Ada County for the last 9 years. I also work for Ada County Paramedics in the Logistics Department. JR and I have known each other since middle school. He liked me in highschool, but I thought he was too goofy. We started dating our second year in college. We were married August 14th 2004 and had our little Madison July 30th 2008. Colin completed our family on October 11th, 2011.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Crazy Mommy!!!!!

OK, Mommy is going crazy here......

We have not had a master bathroom in a month.  Our bedroom looks like it blew up and I can't get to my half of the closet.  JR works on the bathroom any free moment that he gets which is great, but I feel like I have been a single mom for the past month as well.  Seeing as he was only home two nights out of six the past week it doesn't work out to a lot of time that he can work on the bathroom.

Colin has had an ear infection in both ears for the past three weeks.  He is on his third round of antibiotics after getting a shot of antibiotics yesterday.  He has had a cold since November and now it has formed into a mild case of RSV.  Despite all of this he is still smiling and cooing more each day.

Madison is doing great.  She has such a personality that both amazes and frustrates me.  We are working on her listening skills.  She does not want to listen to Mommy right, but then she says the cutest things.  Last night she wanted to know if she needed to shut her light off for bedtime and she said "All right Mother!!!"  She also had an ear infection a week ago and she calls it an ear affection.

I hope things settle down soon and we can finally get into some routine.  The kids have been waking up at 6:30, which is a little early.  It would be nice to be able to get ready before I have to get the kids up.  I might need to start waking up at 5:30.  UGH!!!!!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

About Time

I can't believe it's been a month since I last posted.  What a month we've had.  Madison had the stomach flu, I ended up with the stomach flu, Madison, JR, and Colin have all had colds, Madison and Colin have both had ear infections which ended us up at Primary Health last night; just Mommy and two screaming kids.  Thank goodness Aunt Mic was just getting off of work to help rescue Mommy before she started crying!!!!
We also thought we would be moving to Coeur d'Alene the beginning of March.  JR applied for a position at LifeFlight as a flight medic at the new base in Sandpoint and he got the job, but JR and Lifeflight were unable to agree on pay so we had to turn the job down.  It makes me so sad because I want nothing more than to move back to CDA, but I have to believe it will happen when it's meant to be.  Right now JR will stay working for Lifeflight here and hopefully get on as a flight medic so that he can transfer to Sandpoint in the near future.
The third thing is that we have completely gutted our master bathroom.  We noticed a leak and so we decided now is as good of a time to remodel our master bathroom.  We are going on three weeks that we have been down to one bathroom!!!!
I enrolled Madison in preschool at the Challenger school for the fall.  She is doing great.  We are working on the whining and also no longer feeding her her food, but her being a big girl and feeding herself.  Colin is smiling and cooing. He has been sleeping in our room in his cradle and tonight will be the first night that we are trying to get him to sleep in his room.  I hope it goes well.
Madison and Colin enjoying the aquarium in his crib

Beautiful baby boy at 3 months (Madison was putting his socks on his hands)

Sister and brother

Uncle Mark playing princesses with Miss Madison (she loved his voices)

Madison was using her tools to help unclog the vacuum

Colin, Daddy, and Madison

Mark and JR beginning to destroy the bathroom

bye bye shower

Where the bathtub was.. you can see the H2O stains

Colin all bundled up for winter, but wait.... what winter???

Madison using Aunt Mic as a seat and cheering for Colin

Sister and brother watching cartoons

Madison, Daddy, and all her animals talking to Grandpa Rick

Getting ready for the Super Bowl... she thought Alabama was playing

the bathroom 3 weeks later!!!

The tub area now
I feel like Aspen, Demon, and the house are completely neglected.  Right now it is all I can do just to stay up on the laundry and with that I still have clothes that sit in the basket for about a week before I get it put up.  I enjoy my job, but it's hard because I don't have time for anything else.  I don't know if it's just me or mother's guilt, but I just wish I could do it all, but there is no possible way to do it unless I didn't sleep at night and that's not a possibility.  To add to my guilt, Madison now asks me multiple times a day if I still love her....